Friday, April 15, 2016

Shadow Behemoth

Shadow Behemoths are shadow versions of original SS and S ranked Behemoths.

You will not get Tablets when you defeat Shadow Behemoth. What you will get is the materials needed to enhance and evolve your equipment. After you forged your equipment using the tablet dropped by Original Behemoth, you kill Shadow version of the Behemoth for it's material and use it to level your equipment.

Everyday we can challenge up to 5 shadows by going to NPC: Axel in town
*Higher-level Behemoths drop more higher-grade materials.*

In April 2018, a new feature: Shadow Quest Bonus was implemented. 

Shadow Quest Bonus are Shadow Quests credits given during the Hunter Grand Prix Event, proportional to the number of Summon Quests you have won as a host during the event period. The credits add on to the number of times you can challenge Shadow Quests the next day. 
*The credits do not include the default 5 Challenge count.

For example, during the Hunter Grand Prix Event, 
First day of event: I killed 6 original behemoth (regardless of rank. B, A, S, SS)
Second day of event: Shadow Quest Count = 5 (default number) + 6 (bonus)
Total: 11 Shadow Challenge Count on the second day

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